
Dokkum museum and old town hall Jean Prosper Gautier and Piet Oberman





Major Jean Prosper Gautier was the commander of the Squadron of the Royal Canadian Dragoons that entered Dokkum with its men on 14 April 1945. Because of this, the Dragoons are regarded as the liberators of Dokkum. In memory of this event, there is a display case in the town hall of Dokkum as a tribute to Gautier and his Royal Canadian Dragoons.  

The display case shows Gautier's uniform, his officer's staff and his portrait. In addition, the coat of arms of the Royal Canadian Dragoons and a banner can be seen. Also on display is the document in which the city council decided on 26 April 1946 to make Jean Prosper Gautier an honorary citizen of Dokkum. Gautier passed away in May 1998 at the age of 81. 

Finally, the photo of Gautier with Dokkumer Piet Oberman next to him can be seen in the display case. Oberman was an important figure in the Frisian resistance; among other things, he was in charge of the raid by the Frisian Knokploegen (assault groups) on the Blokhuispoort, the House of Detention in Leeuwarden (8 December 1944). During the liberation period, Oberman ensured that the information available to the resistance about the German occupiers reached the Canadian liberators. On 13 April, he reported to one of the squadrons of the Royal Canadian Dragoons in South-East Friesland. The next day he acted as a guide and contact person on behalf of the resistance and witnessed the liberation of Drachten and Dokkum.  The good cooperation between the resistance and the Canadian liberators ensured that the advance of the Canadians went smoothly and the role of the resistance in the liberation of Friesland was praised. 


Diepswal 27, 9101 LA Dokkum