Segment d'itinéraire de notre partenaire
Segment d'itinéraire de notre partenaire
Even today, Gilze-Rijen is dominated by flying and by planes. Immediately after the occupation, in May 1940, the Germans expanded the existing airport and renamed it Fliegerhorst Gilze-Rijen, one of the largest airports in Europe.
Even today, Gilze-Rijen is dominated by flying and by planes. Immediately after the occupation, in May 1940, the Germans expanded the existing airport and renamed it Fliegerhorst Gilze-Rijen, one of the largest airports in Europe. This military installation had a huge impact on local residents. Bombing of allies, employment of local residents to conduct repairs - and on this route, you'll read and hear all about it. Prepare yourself to hear some interesting stories: from the lucky resistance fighter, to the story of the Good German.